Graduation Fortnight!!

We’ve come to the end of the journey at St. Anne’s for the class of 2021. Due to the current global situation, school life has been a lot different to normal this year but you’ve all worked hard to make it as good a final year as we could have had. 

Over the last few weeks, we’ve tried our best to give you as many chances to enjoy yourselves as possible. We’ve been on walks around the local area and we’ve gone on school tour all the way to the sports field! We had a sports day and we lost all track of healthy eating with a fry for breakfast, pizzas for lunch and ice creams for dessert!

On Friday 25th June, we had our graduation which was streamed live. I’ve attached it here as a video. I’ve also attached the video that was shown at the graduation and underneath that there are some pictures specifically from the last few weeks. I hope you all enjoyed your final year at St. Anne’s despite all the restrictions. I’ve really enjoyed teaching you for two years and I’d like to say a huge thank you to you all for your generous gift and for being fantastic students over the last few years. Never lose your sense of fun and have a great time in secondary school!


Graduation Ceremony

(Apologies for the poor sound)


Graduation Memories Video


Canal Walk



School Tour




Sports Day


Breakfast & Pizza!