African Dancing

by Adam Gray & Hannah Rahman

December 2015

We did African dancing on 4th December 2015. A lady came into our school to teach us. The dancing was based on the work the people do, such as the men walking down the beach to work in the morning.

The girls stuck their arms out and the boys put their arms in, then we clapped twice and then flapped our arms back and forward. Then we did the action of digging, and then rolled our arms and then put two arms in the air and one foot up.

We were there for an hour, loads of people made mistakes and so did we. It was tough to begin with but then we got the hang of it.

Here are some of the pictures:

IMAG1754 IMAG1760 IMAG1761 IMAG1765 IMAG1769 IMAG1770 IMAG1775 IMAG1777

Here is a video of the final dance: