Creative Challenge: Games!

This month, I set 3rd Class a challenge to create their own game that could be played in the classroom. The finished products blew me away; I could not believe the creativity! We had a bit of everything, from board games to quizzes to throwing games and spelling games – We will have lots of activities to keep us busy during rainy lunches and Golden Time! 🤩


For the Harry Potter fans – A board game and a quiz:



Spellogit – A spelling game where you have to create words:


Some throwing/target games:



Foosball – Recreated with lollipop sticks and as an idea for a digital game!



A rugby-themed board game (with TMO comments!), pencil football and a sling-shot version of hockey:



Some classic games reimagined including versions of Snakes & Ladders, draughts and bingo:



A house and a character to live in it:


And last but definitely not least: Some games that require a very steady hand!!