GIY (Grow It Yourself)

Our ‘Big Grow’ pack from the company Innocent arrived this week. We were very eager to get planting. The pack included compost, a planting pot for each student and three packets of seeds. We divided the class into three groups. We now have ‘The Pea Growers’, ‘The Spinach Growers’ and ‘The Cress Growers’.

First we read the instructions on how to plant cress, spinach and finally peas. Then we wrote our names and what we were planting on our pots. Next we measured in centimetres how much compost was needed and we put a line on the inside of the pot to mark it. Finally we added the seeds. We learned that while cress seeds can be sprinkled on top of the compost, peas need to be pushed under the surface of the soil. We learned that it is important to place the spinach seeds on top of the soil, about 2cm apart and then add another layer of soil.

We cannot wait to see how our GIY  planting turns out.