Newsletter October 2022

Art work from Ms Malone’s Class


Dear parents,

I hope this finds you well. 

I wish to update you on some matters and plans for the coming weeks, as follows: 

Parent Teacher meetings for classes 1st to 5th will be on the week of November 21st. An invitation to select time slots within these days will go out on Aladdin after Halloween.

Meetings for the infant classes will be in January/February


Staff In-service: The school will close for half day on Monday December 5th to facilitate in-service for staff. Further in-service will take place in Terms 2 & 3 and we will advise you of dates as soon as possible.



  • Goal Jersey Day: Many thanks to all who wore jerseys last week. We raised over €700 for Goal. Well done everyone!
  • Hallowe’en Dress-up day is on Friday next, October 28th. We finish that day for mid-term break (it is a full day at school)
  • Science Week is the week of November 14th. Junior Einstein facilitators will do workshops with some classes on Monday 14th; other classes will be doing workshops from Celbridge Library and working in their own classes on science themes.
  • Music Performance: Graffiti Classics will perform a Playground Proms programme for all classes at St Anne’s on Friday November 18th A nominal subscription for same will be required (more information to follow on this)



  • Homework- You are requested to sign children’s homework journals each evening please (checking that work is completed). A survey on homework will be going out to parents shortly and we invite you to complete same.
  • Uniform: Per the school Uniform Policy, shorts are only worn on very hot days in Term 3, if needed. They do not form part of the uniform or tracksuit at other times during the year. Thanks for your co-operation on this



It is wonderful to see classes from 2nd to 5th progressing at violin lessons. Maria is delighted with the progress so far. We would be grateful for any outstanding payment for classes please as this supports planning for the project going forward.



St Anne’s has been represented extremely well over the past weeks by our senior teams. I want to congratulate all involved and say how proud I am of your success at all levels.

So much is happening this term with GAA training, rugby sessions and of course swimming. Gymnastics will run after Halloween with junior classes and we will send out information on that shortly.



  • First Confession Monday March 13th 2023 at 7.30pm
  • First Holy Communion Saturday May 6th 2023
  • Confirmation will be on Friday March 3rd



We welcome working with parents in supporting students’ academic progress and wellbeing. Should you wish to communicate with class teachers, please email the office ( )

Alternatively, please call the office to make an appointment /request the teacher to ring you, indicating, in brief, the purpose for the call


PSG: Thanks to the PSG for all their work behind the scenes. I am particularly grateful for support around updating the library with new books. I know all will be delighted to delve into new adventures in the many books. 


Wishing you all a lovely weekend, 

M Manley