Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please note that the Application process for Admission to Junior Infants (September 2025) and our ASD Class (September 2025) will commence on Monday January 6th 2025. Information and associated forms can be found at this link.
Kind regards,
Dominic Tyrrell
Author: Principal
Decorate your Door 2024
We had great fun in school during the month of December with our 'Decorate your Door' competition. The boys and girls put in a great effort and the resulting doors turned out great. There was great excitement on the last day of term as the children went around the school to assess and vote on their favourite door for 2024. After some careful consideration and discussions, the winner for this year was Mr. O'Leary's 5th class. Well done everyone for your great work and for helping to make our scho...
Children in St Anne’s have many opportunities to engage in extra-curricular activities

Activities include: Football, Hurling, Camogie, Athletics, Debating, Choir, Chess to name but a few.
Other clubs/classes operate after school including Irish dancing, Speech and Drama, Creative Club, STEM Club, Fitnastix, Coding Club and Chess Club. We also have an 'Infant's Club' (1:50-2:50) that is run by some local parents.
Child Safeguarding Review 2024
The Board of Management of St. Anne's National School wishes to inform you that:
The Board of Management’s annual review of the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement was completed at the Board meeting of 30th September 2024.
This review was conducted in accordance with the “Checklist for Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement” published on the Department’s website
Kindest regards,
Louis Phillips (Chairperson)
Dominic Tyrrell (Principal)
The updat...
June 2024 Newsletter
Dear parents and students,
We are entering the final few weeks of term and I wish to remind and inform re some dates for your diary.
Junior Infants: The meeting for parents of new junior infants (Sept 24) will take place this Tuesday June 11th at 7pm in the school hall. The new students will be invited to visit the school in August.
Harvest and Salad Days: Students have been busy looking after the seeds planted ea...
Whole School Inspection 23/24
Dear parents and students
Information regarding the upcoming school inspection is available here:
Mid Term
Dear parents and students,
A note to remind all that the school is closed tomorrow and Friday, February 15th and 16th, for mid-term break.
This month we are celebrating Creative February in classes, with lots of creative activities being done and great adventures in making and doing. We hope to celebrate with a school event at the end of the month.
Thanks to all the grandparents who came to visit us on Grandparents Day in January. It was a joy to meet so many...
Christmas 23 Newsletter
Dear parents and Students,
We have had a wonderful lead-in to Christmas this year, from singing to artwork, from donations to charity to class competitions.
Classes have created some beautiful art work across the school and it certainly has put us in the Christmas mood.
Some classes have visited the crib in the church; others have come to view the School Crib and say a Christmas Prayer.
Our Advent Calendar was made by children aro...
Christmas Doors 2023 at St Anne’s
October Newsletter
Hallowe’en certainly arrived to St Anne’s this morning with monsters and minions, witches and wizards and wonderful original costumes all around. Well done everyone on all your efforts and collaborations getting your costumes ready- all were very creative. Thanks to parents too, who I’m sure had much to do last night and this morning!
It has been an exciting first term so far and many activities are underway here.
The Book Fair was a tremendous success. Th...