Our School Tour

On Thursday the 2nd of June, we went to The Lambert Puppet Theatre for our school tour. We really enjoyed the bus trip to Monkstown. 'Cinderella'was the name of the puppet show that we went to see. We had lots of fun watching it as it was so interactive! We were able to have our lunch in the theatre during the interval. We had great fun on our school tour! 

Engineering Week

At the beginning of March, we marked Engineering Week with a very special workshop in 2nd Class. Odhran's mum came to visit the class from Intel, where she works as an engineer. She told us all about an engineer's job and daily life in Intel. The best part of the workshop was that we became engineers ourselves! We took part in a bridge-building competition. Each group were given some materials such as straws, string, blu-tack and string to construct a bridge between two chairs. We used a smal...

Meeting the Sam Maguire! The children in 2nd Class were recently lucky enough to meet the Sam Maguire All Ireland Gaelic Football Cup. They were all very excited to hold the cup and imagine themselves lifting it in front of thousands of fans in Croke Park!

Beautiful Beasts Exhibition

Our school has been lucky enough to receive sculptures from The Ark on loan. The sculptures are from the Beautiful Beasts Exhibition. Our class split up into two groups to go around the school and visit each sculpture. We enjoyed looking and responding to the sculptures with Ms. Manley and Ms. Gavin. We saw a horse, hare, fish, sheep and a woodpecker. We even thought up of our own names for the sculptures too and now we have them diplayed beside them. We really liked the exhibition and are so...

Dr. Seuss Day

We celebrated Dr. Seuss Day on the anniversary of his birthday which is March 2nd. We like reading books written by Sr. Seuss. We have enjoyed reading, 'Green Eggs and Ham' and 'The Cat in the Hat'. As part of our celebrations for Dr. Seuss Day, we decided to design and paint new hats for 'The Cat in the Hat'. We look forward to reading many more books written by Dr. Seuss.

St Anne’s School- our School Motto- MOL AN ÓIGE AGUS TIOCFAIDH SÍ

Central to our philosophy is a respect for all individuals and a promotion of the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the person of the pupil: intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual. We believe that through our School Motto- MOL AN ÓIGE AGUS TIOCFAIDH SÍ we support and nurture each child as an individual. We welcome children of all backgrounds and faiths in St Anne's