Events for Week Nov 19th

Swimming continues on Mondays for 4th and 5th classes

Violin on Thursday- great to see children holding the violins and plucking strings, learning different rhythms

Parent teacher meetings for classes 1st-6th are on Wednesday and Thursday- reminder to book your meeting slot on Aladdin Connect if you haven’t already done so

A reminder that the Family Fun day is on Nov 25th and tickets go on sale at the hut next week. Lots of other items on sale too, School calendar, children’s Christmas cards and copies of our recipe books are also available

3rd class continue their basketball sessions with Anne Forde on Mondays. Thanks also to Anne  for bringing an Olympic torch to the school last week- it was a special treat to see it and hold it

On Friday next we have a special visitor coming to the school- Tomi Reichental, holocaust survivor will speak with the 4th-6th classes. It should be an interesting experience for all. 


Talent show finals will go ahead next week also. Well done to all who have taken part- we look forward to more great performances