St Anne’s School- our School Motto- MOL AN ÓIGE AGUS TIOCFAIDH SÍ

Central to our philosophy is a respect for all individuals and a promotion of the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the person of the pupil: intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual. We believe that through our School Motto- MOL AN ÓIGE AGUS TIOCFAIDH SÍ we support and nurture each child as an individual. We welcome children of all backgrounds and faiths in St Anne's

Welcome to Our Website

Welcome to the new look St Anne’s School website! Our aim is to give you a insight into all that goes on in our school and to continue to build on links between home and school. We hope you find lots of interesting information about our school here, from the showcasing of school and class events to background information on policies and education practice. Please do check in regularly and add us to your favourites!   The Gallery captures many of the events and initiatives tha...