Sponsored Walk

Congratulations to all who took part in the sponsored 5K walk yesterday. It was great to see so many participating and enjoying the sunshine.....a really lovely day all round! Thanks to the PSG for organising yet another great event! M Manley

January 2017 Welcome back to all pupils and parents Hopefully you all had a restful break over the Christmas period. We wish you a happy 2017 and look forward to many exciting events in St Anne's in the months to come Mary Manley & staff

School Calendar 2016/17

School Calendar 2016/17 Wednesday Aug 31st: School re-opens October mid-term: Mon Oct 31st to Fri Nov 4th inclusive November 15th – ½ day closure for RE in-service November 16th –full day closure for language curriculum in-service Christmas Closing on Thurs 22nd ; Re-open Mon Jan 9th February mid-term Thurs Feb 23rd and Fri Feb 24th St Patrick’s Day Fri March 17th Easter Holidays Closing on Fri April 7th and re-opening on Mon April 24th June break School closed fro...

Old toys and equipment

Dear parents We are looking for toys and playground equipment for the new yard at St Anne's. If you have any of the following and are willing to donate them we would be most grateful: - small slide - ride on toys - balance bikes - outdoor toys - trampoline Please make contact with the office 01-6273367 if you can help us with this Many thanks, Mary Manley

New Year

Welcome back to all students and teachers. I hope you all had a lovely summer break. I'm sure 2016/17 will be an exciting and interesting one in St Anne's and I look forward to meeting with you all on Wednesday next, starting at 9.10am. Our new junior infants will be in school from 10am on Wednesday. We look forward to welcoming all the children on the first day. We invite their parents to join us for tea/coffee in the school hall on Wednesday morning, once the children are settled in cl...


This week saw many events taking place in St Anne's. On March 15th, we celebrated Proclamation Day in the school. The event was opened by the children of 5th class who played some tunes on tin whistles. The story of the Rising was read by 2nd class students and children from 6th class read the Proclamation. We reflected on the bravery and courage of our ancestors, of how they 'dared to dream' and the pride that they took in their language and their country- all lessons that we take forward in...

Internet safety

Thanks to all parents who attended the talk on Internet Safety last night. It was insightful and gave much food for thought in terms of practices around children's use of the internet. The importance of communication between adults and children around their access to sites, games and phones/I-pads etc was highlighted. Encouraging children to report to us all about things on the different media that they are concerned about is central to this (A 'Tell-No-Blame' approach is effective here!). ...

Welcome to Our Website

Welcome to the new look St Anne’s School website! Our aim is to give you a insight into all that goes on in our school and to continue to build on links between home and school. We hope you find lots of interesting information about our school here, from the showcasing of school and class events to background information on policies and education practice. Please do check in regularly and add us to your favourites!   The Gallery captures many of the events and initiatives tha...