3rd Class Work Monday 30th March- Friday 3rd April

Dear parents, I hope you and your family are keeping well. Please see below a plan of work for the children to engage with from Monday 30th March to Friday 3rd April. This is a suggested guideline for Irish, English and Maths that could be followed each day, at a time that is suitable for you, and your child. I appreciate that circumstances are different for all of us – work commitments, access to Wi-Fi, number of siblings trying to access online material etc. and I do not want to add any ...

3rd Class Work Wednesday 18th March- Friday 27th March

Dear parents,  I hope that you and your families are all keeping well. As previously indicated the work outlined below is for children to undertake on school days March 18th to 27th.  We appreciate that circumstances are different for all of us – work commitments, access to Wi-Fi, number of siblings trying to access online material etc. and we do not want to add any further pressure. However, we are also aware that some further structure may be useful. Therefore, please find below a sug...

Charlotte’s Web

We have just finished reading the book 'Charlotte's Web' by E.B White. We really enjoyed this book. It was quite different to the other novel we read this year, 'The Witches' by Roald Dahl. We created our own webs. We thought of adjectives we would spin into the web if we were Charlotte.

Project Time in 3rd Class!

Amazing Ardclough!   Over the last three weeks, 3rd class have been working on a project in groups. We have been learning all about our village Ardclough. First, we began the designing stage. We decided in groups what landmarks in the village we wanted to focus on building. We researched the area on our chrome books. We used Google Earth to gather all the information we needed to begin designing our structures. Next, we collected recycled materials from home and school. We dis...

GIY (Grow It Yourself)

Our 'Big Grow' pack from the company Innocent arrived this week. We were very eager to get planting. The pack included compost, a planting pot for each student and three packets of seeds. We divided the class into three groups. We now have 'The Pea Growers', 'The Spinach Growers' and 'The Cress Growers'. First we read the instructions on how to plant cress, spinach and finally peas. Then we wrote our names and what we were planting on our pots. Next we measured in centimetres how much com...

Ancient Rome

This week in history we have been learning all about ancient Rome. We examined past and present images of the Colosseum. We really enjoyed sketching the Colosseum in art. 