Christmas Greetings

Dear parents and students,  It has lovely to see such excitement here in St Anne's over the past days as everyone looks forward to Christmas Day. A lot of beautiful Christmas art has been made, Christmas prayers said, visits to Santa in the village, watching the panto online and so on.  The children have put great effort into sending you their Christmas performance (see Class News section on the website for videos) which I know you and your wider family will enjoy.  As we...

Newsletter Dec 3rd 2020

Dear parents and students, Christmas is certainly in the air these days and there is a lot of preparation going on in classes, with decorations being made, Christmas poems being recited and who knows we might even have snow soon! We have started putting up the school decorations. Our Christmas tree will arrive at the weekend, thanks to a kind donation. The PSG have been busy arranging the tree sale and I wish them all the best with that- thanks to all who have supported this initiative. Ou...

Admissions 21/22

PLease note: Applications for admission to St Anne's for the coming academic year, 21/22, will be taken from 14th January 2021. A revised application form will issue shortly.  Please contact the office ( for any details or with any queries  

Halloween Newsletter 2020

Dear parents and students,  I hope you are all enjoying your mid-term break.  Firstly a note to say well done on all that you have done over the past weeks since we came back. Nobody was sure of what the return to school would bring but I am delighted to say that it has been a joy to see you all back, safe and sound. Thank you for all your co-operation in keeping distance and observing all the routines for washing, sanitising etc and to parents, thank you for your support in keep...

Newsletter Sept 14th 2020

Dear parents, I hope this finds you well and enjoying the lovely sunshine. We are now over a fortnight back at school and new systems are up-and-running. Well done to all our students for their adherence to safe hygiene practices and new play and work routines. We will continue to remind everyone, as I am sure you will also, of the importance of keeping safe distances and observing proper hygiene etiquette. Thank you to you the parents, for your co-operation in the new practices around ...

Welcome Back

Parents and students We look forward to welcoming you back tomorrow. It will be a great day and the start of an exciting year ahead.  We sent out the plan for entry and exit already. You just need to remember your path (see below ) and there will be teachers and volunteers here to help you if you are unsure RED PATH- 5th and 6th  BLUE PATH- 3rd Ms Owens and 4th Ms Murphy GREEN PATH- Junior and senior infants (juniors have different timetable for first week or so) YELL...

Class Allocations for 20/21

19/20 MOVING TO CLASS LEVEL 20/21 TEACHER     New children and children from Ms Malone and Ms Brophy’s classes Junior Infants Ms Brophy (Room 4) Senior & Junior Infants   Ms Malone (Room 3) Senior Infants Ms Mc Loughlin (Room 2) Mrs Buckley & Ms Mc Kiernan (Sen Infants) 1st   Mrs Buckley and Mrs Knightly (job share) (Room 5) Ms Owens (Sen Infants) 1st   Mrs O Brien (Room 1) Mrs O Brien (1st...

Newsletter/Updates June 9th 2020

Dear parents, I wish to update you on a few matters as we come towards the end of the school year and prepare for a new year: Preparation for re-opening: Please note that while preparations are going on in the background, we still need to wait for Department of Education guidelines, before finalising arrangements for the return to school. Current discussions on maintaining 1 or 2 m distance will affect numbers in classrooms and there are education-specific requirements that will have t...


Please email any entries to Messages for Return When we return to school, it would be lovely to have some posters through the corridors to brighten the spaces. Why not design a poster to share with everyone. Here are some ideas to get you thinking (though your own ideas will be even better!) A motivational quote…..think of some words that would motivate everyone on the return to school Welcome to St Anne’s…….to encourage new students and welcome them to ...