Safer Internet Day 2019

Dear parents You might be interested in the following link and resource around internet safety. Children are working on some activities around this theme this week and we hope to organise some inputs for students and parents in the near future Keep safe! Also the Zeeko INternet Guide -  

Newsletter Feb 4th 2019

Newsletter Feb 4th 2019 Congratulations: I am extremely proud of all who represented St Anne’s at the weekend. To our quiz team who took 3rd place in Naas on Friday night – well done!. Also to the boys and girls from Ms Mc Evoy’s and Mrs Kelly’s class who performed as part of the Dublin Peace Proms on Sunday night in the RDS. What a show! It was a wonderful event and we were all so delighted with the work that you put into getting ready for the performance and for your focused performance...

NEWSLETTER January 11th 2019

Welcome back  Happy new year to you all. I hope that 2019 brings you much health and happiness Lots of exciting things will be happening in St Anne’s for 2019- we will keep you posted on a regular basis. Remember to keep an eye on the school calendar on the website for upcoming events.   LOOKING BACK: As you know December was a busy month. Congratulations to all the children on their performances for the Christmas Variety Show. It was a pleasure to see all the great mus...

Christmas Arrangements

Dear parents   It’s a busy time here in St Anne’s and everyone is really excited about our Variety Show on Thursday. As you know the times are 10am for classes up to 1st class and 12.30pm for those from 2nd – 6th We ask that you keep photos to a minimum so as not to disturb children on stage; also that you remain in the hall for the full performance, again so as not to distract the children. Thanks for all your support in sourcing costumes, assisting in learning lines etc- It wi...

Peter Mc Verry Gift Appeal

St Anne's is taking part in the Peter Mc Verry Gift appeal this Christmas. Children are invited to bring in gifts for children or for an adult....some examples below For children- slippers, scarves, gloves, toys, books, colouring books, jigsaws, baby clothes etc For adults-books, Penney's vouchers, socks, warm clothing etc OR some Christmas treats- Santa hat, selection boxes, box of biscuits, decorations etc (the Trust cannot accept any dangerous items, glues, aerosols etc)  ...

Events for Week of NOv 26th

  Visitors to St Anne’s Last week, we had the privilege of welcoming Tomi REichental, holocaust survivor to St Anne’s. Tomi spoke to children from 4th, 5th and 6th classes, sharing his experiences of the concentration camp with us. Tomi read from his new children’s book, entitled Tomi, and answered many interesting questions which the children had for him Thanks to all the members of the local community who also joined us for the event. At the end of the event TOmi and children ...

Events for Week Nov 19th

Swimming continues on Mondays for 4th and 5th classes Violin on Thursday- great to see children holding the violins and plucking strings, learning different rhythms Parent teacher meetings for classes 1st-6th are on Wednesday and Thursday- reminder to book your meeting slot on Aladdin Connect if you haven't already done so A reminder that the Family Fun day is on Nov 25th and tickets go on sale at the hut next week. Lots of other items on sale too, School calendar, children's Christmas ...

Events for Week of NOv 12th 2018

Welcome back to everyone from midterm break! As you know we had a dress up day for Hallowe'en- see our gallery section for wonderful and scary sights! We also had a Hallowe'en treasure hunt for junior infants, organised by two girls in 5th class. Children worked with their buddies and followed the trail, answering questions and collecting items. It was fun for all. (photos on site) I was delighted to see our Junior INfants perform so well at their Halloween class concert- you were wonde...

Events for Week Oct 15th 2018

Sport Updates -        Best wishes to the Ardclough team in the Senior Kildare Hurling final on Saturday from everyone in St Anne’s! -        Hurling training with Jason Coffey is on Thursday for senior infant and 1st classes (thanks to Ardclough GAA for arranging this!) -        Other training and matches notices will be forwarded during the week Violin: Our classes...