Awesome Autumn Art

We really enjoyed creating these autumn woods scenes for art today. First we lightly sketched the trunks of the trees. Then, we mixed orange, yellow and red together to create the vibrant colours of the leaves of the tree. Finally, we painted our background. The colours look amazing and everyone's picture is unique. I think you will all agree that everyone did a fantastic job, well done 4th class

Graduation Fortnight!!

We've come to the end of the journey at St. Anne's for the class of 2021. Due to the current global situation, school life has been a lot different to normal this year but you've all worked hard to make it as good a final year as we could have had.  Over the last few weeks, we've tried our best to give you as many chances to enjoy yourselves as possible. We've been on walks around the local area and we've gone on school tour all the way to the sports field! We had a sports day and we los...

“Do They Know It’s Christmas?” 6th class style

by Alexandra, Maeve, Luke & Cade December 2020 This year, because of Coronavirus, we couldn’t do our usual big Christmas production so we decided to make a video within our bubble (class). We used a Green-Screen, a Boom box and a microphone to record our version of the 1984 song "Do They Know Its Christmas?" We auditioned for the video on See-Saw. Everyone in our class was given either a singing or non-singing role. Everyone also brought in 80’s style clothes for filming. It took...


by Matthew, Emma, Cathal, Olivia, Hugh & Ethan  December 2020 As part of a national campaign, the Air Force asked us to form the letters GRMA to say Go Raibh Maith Agat to all the teachers and staff around the country for keeping us safe. We went outside on the 1st of December to practise forming the letters. Sixth class were making the letter G.  The next day the air force came to film us. Everybody went to the field and made the letters. Next, we all saw a helicopter fly...