Newsletter March 2019

Dear parents and friends of St Anne’s, March may be the month of many weathers and we in St Anne’s have embraced the sun and the rain of the past weeks and certainly welcome the spring weather this week. It has been the month of many events here too. Central to March is of course our celebration of Seachtain na Gaeilge. Bhí alán eachtraí ar siúl anseo – Céilí Mór, Lá Glas agus na daltái ag labhairt Gaeilge ar fud na scoile (Ticéidí glasa/Frása an Lae). The Banna Ceoil ‘Cairde trí Che...

Newsletter Feb 4th 2019

Newsletter Feb 4th 2019 Congratulations: I am extremely proud of all who represented St Anne’s at the weekend. To our quiz team who took 3rd place in Naas on Friday night – well done!. Also to the boys and girls from Ms Mc Evoy’s and Mrs Kelly’s class who performed as part of the Dublin Peace Proms on Sunday night in the RDS. What a show! It was a wonderful event and we were all so delighted with the work that you put into getting ready for the performance and for your focused performance...

NEWSLETTER January 11th 2019

Welcome back  Happy new year to you all. I hope that 2019 brings you much health and happiness Lots of exciting things will be happening in St Anne’s for 2019- we will keep you posted on a regular basis. Remember to keep an eye on the school calendar on the website for upcoming events.   LOOKING BACK: As you know December was a busy month. Congratulations to all the children on their performances for the Christmas Variety Show. It was a pleasure to see all the great mus...

Events for Week of NOv 12th 2018

Welcome back to everyone from midterm break! As you know we had a dress up day for Hallowe'en- see our gallery section for wonderful and scary sights! We also had a Hallowe'en treasure hunt for junior infants, organised by two girls in 5th class. Children worked with their buddies and followed the trail, answering questions and collecting items. It was fun for all. (photos on site) I was delighted to see our Junior INfants perform so well at their Halloween class concert- you were wonde...

Calendar 2018 19

St Anne’s NS School Calendar 2018/19 Thursday Aug 30th   School re-opens   October mid-term Mon Oct 29th to Fri Nov 2nd   inclusive   Christmas Closing on Friday 21st Re-open Mon Jan 7th February mid-term Thurs Feb 21st   and Fri Feb 22nd     March Friday 15th  to Tuesday 19th inclusive   Easter Break Closing on Fri 12th April and re-opening on Mon April 29th   June W...

Newsletter March 2018

Since our last newsletter so many events have taken place at St Anne’s. Here is an overview of some of them:   Ceremonies: WE congratulate all the children in 2nd class who made their First Confession on the 26th of February last. Well done on all your preparation for this. It won’t be long until we are preparing for First Communion! Our students in 6th class had to wait an extra week to receive Confirmation this year. With the surrounding area covered in snow drifts the ceremo...

Newsletter January 2018

St Anne’s Ardclough NEWSLETTER January 2018   Christmas- celebrations and sad news: We are well settled back after Christmas and it was great to hear of all the celebrations that children had over the festive season. We were also deeply saddened to hear of the passing of a lovely member of the school community, Anca Muresan. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and we continue to support them in whatever way we can here in St Anne’s. We were privileged to be part o...


St Anne’s Ardclough NEWSLETTER OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2017   Halloween: I hope you all enjoyed the Hallowe’en mid-term break. Well done to everyone for such a great effort in dressing up on the last day before mid-term. There was great creativity evident and such effort into making and assembling costumes. Have a look at the gallery section on the website for further photos. Thanks to all the classes for sharing Halloween songs and poems with us too. Well done to junior infan...

Newsletter September 2017

Looking Back and Looking Forward: With four weeks of our new term completed we are already looking back on what has been achieved and of course looking forward to a happy, healthy and fulfilling year ahead. I wish the students of 6th class 2016/17 a happy and successful time in second level. All of you made a great impact on life in St Anne’s and I know you will go on to do great things in your lives ahead. We are grateful to you for your donation of goalposts to the school. How thrill...