Summer 2017 Newsletter

Summer has certainly arrived at St Anne’s! Our playing field is being put to great use these days, not only for sports day, but on all the days of good weather in the past week. Thanks to Tony the summer flowers are looking well and there is plenty of growth in our herb garden created by junior infants, Mrs O Brien and Mrs Moran . Lots of summer sports are underway too so it is a busy time for all!   It is also the season of beginnings and endings, as we welcome new junior infants and sa...

Our Playing Field

Today marks the first day to have break time in our new playing field. Well done to all involved in making this happen! I look forward to many happy fun-filled days in the field- with some sunshine too of course!

Happy Easter

All at St Anne's were getting into the Easter spirit this week. Ms Killeen's class were busy minding their chicks which hatched during the week. Three arrived earlier this week and one more joined the junior infants this morning. They are being minded over Easter by the Cullens and we look forward to hearing how they enjoyed their Easter holidays. The infants and first classes had other visitors today also. Two lambs came to school and met all the children from these classes. There w...

March Newsletter

Quote of the Month: Each month we put up a quote relating to education and children in the reception area which we hope will inspire all in St Anne’s for the month ahead. This month’s thought is: ‘Education breeds Confidence, Confidence breeds Hope. Hope breeds Peace’ (Confucius) Catholic Ethos: As you know St Anne’s is under the Patronage of Bishop Denis Nulty, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin. We promote the Catholic faith not only in our teaching at religion time each day and in prep...


At St Anne’s signs of spring are becoming visible and Christmas seems like a long time ago. We are waiting for the daffodils and tulips to blossom soon in the garden and outside the school gates- some are beginning to appear already! Christmas Concert: Before leaving winter behind I want to look back at the Christmas celebrations held in our school and to congratulate all the children and teachers on the wonderful work that was undertaken. Well done to everyone for their participation in...

November 2016 Newsletter

NOVEMBER 2016 NEWSLETTER Many activities and initiatives have taken place in St Anne’s over the past month. Here is a flavour of what has been happening…….. Hallowe’en Dress-up Day The dress-up day was a great success, though scary at times!! Well done to all the children who put so much effort into making the costumes……and to the teachers too! Have a look at the photos in the gallery section of the website Educational Trips Junior Infant and Senior Infant children travelled to the...

October 2016 Newsletter

Dear parents, As we approach mid-term I wish to update you on events that are happening in St Anne’s. School Uniform: Well done to all students on wearing uniform over the past weeks- it really shows pride in their appearance and in the school they represent. A gentle reminder to all to ensure that the full school tracksuit is worn on PE days. Lunchtime clubs: Sixth class students are arranging lunchtime clubs for children in younger classes. The range of clubs includes- dance, chess, IC...

May newsletter

ST ANNE’S NEWSLETTER MAY 2016 Another busy month! (see photos of events below on our website gallery) School Mosaic Artist, Katy Palmieri continues to create the St Anne’s /Ardclough story through mosaic. Katy will facilitate workshops with all classes this week and next week and we look forward to the installation of the final pieces, including the children’s work, over the coming weeks. Ardclough Tidy Towns Fifth class students and the Green School committee are linking with Ardc...

The Weekly Buzz- St Anne’s School Newspaper

How It’s Created! Hello! I’m Jack Caffrey, One Of The Writers Of The Weekly Buzz, I Am Going To Show You How The Weekly Buzz Is Created, The School Newspaper. What Is The Weekly Buzz? The Weekly Buzz Is A 10-20 Page Newspaper Created By James And I Telling School News And/Or World News That Make You Laugh, It Has Comic Strips To Read And Has The Latest Ardclough Lotto News And The Weather. As Of 8/4/2016 It Cost’s 60 Euro Cent To Buy A Weekly Buzz, The Money Will Be Given To ...