January Highlights in 4th Class!

January was a busy month for 4th Class, full of exciting activities and hard work across all subjects. Our students embraced every opportunity to learn and grow! We kicked off the month with a fantastic trip to the Gaiety Theatre to see Peter Pan, an experience that brought the magic of theatre to life. Each Friday, we headed to KLeisure for swimming lessons, improving our skills and having fun in the pool. In Geography, we dove into the fascinating world of our Earth's soil, ...

Happy Christmas!

This class has worked so hard preparing for Christmas! They have enjoyed learning 3 songs for the Carol Service: Starlight, Silver Bells, and I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday! Every boy and girl should be so proud of their brilliant performance in the Carol Service. They have also worked excellently learning their lines for our play 'How The Grinch Stole Christmas.' It was wonderful to see their great imagination and creativity throughout the play. I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and...

Christmas Village and door

In December we decided to create a Christmas Village as part of our art lessons. The original plan was to just create a village but when the Christmas Door competition was announced we decided to try and link the two projects. Our plan was to recreate Whoville with the Grinch looking on from his door. The class divided into groups with each group having certain tasks. Groups were in charge of: designing the landscape painting backdrops building a mountain lighting the scene usin...

December 2024

This December, 4th class have been very busy taking part in all their school Christmas activities. On Christmas jumper day, the children had a great time at the magician show. This week the class finished their Happy Maths programme, big congratulations to all the winners! Yesterday, 4th class also got the oppertunity to showcase their entrepreneurial skills at our class Christmas fair. Today the children will be celebrating their Christmas Carol Service at 11am in St. Anne's Church. 4th C...

Science Week in 4th Class

November brought the excitement of Science Week to 4th Class! We had great fun experimenting, with some more successful than others - but that’s what science is all about: trial and error! Our most successful experiment was “Moving Colours”, where we explored capillary action. The class learned how water travels from the roots of plants up to the leaves, just as it moved up through kitchen paper to create a beautiful rainbow of colours. A colourful lesson in science and discovery!

October Adventures in 4th Class

October was a busy and creative time for 4th Class! We had so much fun experimenting with shaving foam and paint to craft our mysterious marbled masterpieces - each one unique and full of colour. We also sharpened our chalk pastel skills while designing spooky silhouettes, perfect for the Halloween season. Creativity was definitely in the air this month!

Trip to Dublinia.

Adding to our study of the Vikings, 6th class went on tour to Dublinia.  We stepped back in time into Medieval Dublin, learning about the Vikings and Anglo-Normans.  We saw ships, tools and clothing, experienced the sights and sounds of the streets at the time, and even tried out some costumes and games!

Local History

During September and October, we researched a chosen aspect of our local community.  Given the brief that pupils could research a local event or landmark in depth, or else look the history of an area of the community through a more broad lens, this is what some of the children came up with.